Friday, August 13, 2010

Upon this Rock I will Build my Church!

Not the house I live in but right beside and the same style as all the homes here at AGAPE refugee home!
The verse I think of as I look at that picture is

"Isiah 56:7  " For my house shall be called a house of Prayer for all Nations".

Each morning the kids have devotions and also in the evening on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Not only do they beg God on behalf of their family and fellow country men in Myanmar, but they also pray for America, the Persecuted church ( new countries each night), Malaysia etc.
Each morning also I come down to them praying and singing their hearts out. Simply amazing these kids are. I want them praying for me for sure. :)

The Lord is answering my prayers even small ones once again. Like today P Henry came back from the market with some of my favorite Asian fruit. They were GIVEN to all of us here! WOW! The Lord is so good to His children. Also I really needed a small notebook since i had to leave some of my things in Thailand, and God answered that prayer also and some people came today and I got a new notebook !!! HOORAY~! 

Tonight I also get to see a fellow Sc- American! What more can a girl ask for in one days time?
Joe and Tim ( who I'll see tonight) in Jakarta Indonesia last fall!

Until the whole words hears!!! Joy Elizabeth

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rice Anyone????

Dinner in Thailand after Church!

      I only took one photo during my weekend in Thailand. What's my problem? Idk but it's all good I'll be back there again! The little boy is one of 27   Myanmar orphans  here at the compound in Malaysia. The youngest is 9 months and has MANY health concerns. 7 toes on one foot, 4 fingers on one hand and 5 on the other but the thumb spot is actually a finger. Heart on wrong side of body, etc. His name is Isaac and without a touch from the father he won't make it~ Praise the Lord for Pastor Henry and his wife being willing to give him a chance at life.

I know you can't really see the little guys face (forgive me still catching all their names), but I think that sums things up here good.      
The people here around me( at the compound) consist of  27 kids, & 2 helpers (mid 20's) are all Myanmar refugees. 
Here's the picture, one American gal, 27 Myanmar kids, 2 Myanmar workers, and the pastor his wife and daughter that are Malay. Pastor Henry and his wife are in their late 50's - mid 60's. 
Sound like a crazy mixed up family????
              Well that we are but that's just what it is. So hey, Chinese , brown , white or blue-       ( Power ranger) we are all working together as God's family and living - loving life!

Until the whole words hears!!! Joy Elizabeth

Friday, August 06, 2010

My Eyes Have seen the Glory of the Lord!!!!

I just finished a week long missions seminar in the AMAZING Ashe-ville Mtns! While I was a bit worked up about the future move to Asia, being among that caliber of people made me encouraged , and  See          "With God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!!!
Before me stood Saints of God that could speak many languages and had truly payed the price to see God's Kingdom come in the nations. Revelations became alive!!! (every tribe tongue and nation bringing glory to God the father! )

SO many things as of late have been reminding me to " Fix my eyes on Jesus" As I prepared to move out of the country, and fear tried to creep in again and again, I'd be reminded of and found peace in that.

 I have a question for you all!

"What pair of glasses are you looking at the world through? "
"How are you interpreting the scriptures?"
There are many different ways to read them, but what is the WHOLE picture?????
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.
Through death into life everlasting
He passed, and we follow Him there;
Over us sin no more hath dominion—
His Word shall not fail you—He promised;
Believe Him, and all will be well:
Then go to a world that is dying,
His perfect salvation to tell!

Until the whole words hears!!! Joy Elizabeth